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BrokerBotics AI is Here
The most Accurate AI for investment research. Directly connected to our Automation.
3 free months for everyone on our waitlist!
Introducing the BrokerBotics AI Investment Screener – a cutting-edge tool designed to answer the real questions that drive better trading decisions. Revolutionize how you discover trading opportunities.
Better Understanding
- Intelligent Search: BrokerBotics understands your question better and provides the most accurate response.
- Current Data: Our AI automatically fetches the most current data.
Higher Accuracy
- Complex questions: Our AI can answer more complicated questions.
- Accurate Calculations: BrokerBotics AI makes more accurate calculations. On the day when our competitor said a stock fell 33%, the reality was that it rose 4%!
early user Pricing
Affordable pricing plans
Straightforward pricing. Sign up before March 31st, 2025, and get 3 months free.
AI Financial Research Assistant
- BrokerBotics AI
- Watchlists
- Daily AI Updates
Basic Personal Financial Consultant
- Everything in AI Research Assistant
- Connect 2 brokerage accounts
- Options income Automation
Pro Personal Financial Consultant
- Everything in AI Research Assistant
- Unlimited brokerage accounts
- Options income Automation
- First month free.
- Pricing for life.
- Cancel anytime.
Advisors and Funds: Contact support@brokerbotics.com for Enterprise Pricing or AI API Access
Coming Soon
- More Data: We’re working on integrating more data sources with our AI including SEC Filings, Mutual Fund Holdings, aggregated trade data from BrokerBotics, and more.
- Connect AI to Automation: Soon you’ll be able to connect the results of our AI search to your watchlists for options income automation
- Advanced Learning: As more people join our AI, it will learn from failures to answer more kinds of questions in the future.
Are you an engineer interested in the intersection of Fintech and AI? Reach out to support@brokerbotics.com