Welcome Tradier Users
Sign up now and start your automation journey!
Join the many Tradier customers who use Brokerbotics and automate income using stock options trades.
Tradier users benefit from:
commission-free options trades for just $10/month.
Traders can save hundreds or even thousands as they increase their trading volume.
Don’t have a Tradier account?
Special Bonus Offer: Earn up to $200 with our exclusive offer with Tradier+ unlock commission-free options, stock, and equities trades. Click here to get started!
How Tradier’s fees compare to other brokers:
1 month free
Your first month is always free!
Pricing for life
The price when you join is your price for life.
No credit card required
No credit card is required to sign up.
Don’t have an account yet?
Open a Tradier Account for 2 extra free months.
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