A New Plan and More!
Our AI Screener now includes Charts, News Sentiment, and Fund Holdings, with ongoing updates and improvements to keep it better than ever.
We’re also thrilled to announce that users with any active BrokerBotics plan (free trial included) you can now experience the full power of BrokerBotics AI firsthand!
Thanks to popular demand, we now have a new $5/mo AI only plan and our waitlist time is now <1 week, often under a day.
Events & Upcoming Features!
UVA Founders Fair!
We enjoyed our time at the UVA Founders Fair where we were surrounded some awesome businesses! Thanks to the Organizers for allowing us to share what we were building at for the opportunity to connect with fellow founders!
We had a great time at BeCamp and loved connecting with everyone who attended! Catch us at other local events in the future!
Dividend Income Strategies
Be on the lookout!
Looking to maximize your dividend income potential? Now’s your chance! Join our waitlist and be among the first to experience our powerful Dividend Multiplier Strategy, designed to enhance your returns with minimal effort on your part.
AI Updates
Refinement & Improvements
We’re committed to continuously enhancing our AI Screener. The more questions you ask, the better it gets as we train it with more data to answer more questions!
White Glove Onboarding!
We remind you that we still provide a limited time, free one on one white glove onboarding for all plans!
Placing Real Trades:
Selling Puts
Check out our latest post on how to sell a put with Tradier! More real-world trading examples across various strategies and brokerages are coming soon, so stay tuned!
How To Set Up BrokerBotics!
We are excited to announce a new dedicated page to assist you in getting started with BrokerBotics! Should you have any additional questions after visiting the page, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at info@brokerbotics.com.
Special offer for new Tradier and Tradestation users!
Exclusive Tradier Offer!New customers receive $150 when they open a new Tradier Pro or $200 when they open a Pro Plus account.
Exclusive TradeStation Offer!Get up to $5000 to open a TradeStation account and 6 free months of BrokerBotics!
(Conditions apply)*